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со всех языков на все языки

(most successful)

  • 1 most successful

    paling berhasil

    English-Indonesian dictionary > most successful

  • 2 Tenrikyo (Religion of Divine Wisdom, largest and most successful of the modern Shinto sects in Japan)

    Религия: тенрикё

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Tenrikyo (Religion of Divine Wisdom, largest and most successful of the modern Shinto sects in Japan)

  • 3 select somebody as the most successful bidder

    Общая лексика: определить победителем (http://www.haringey.gov.uk/index/housing_and_planning/housing/needahome/homeconnections.htm)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > select somebody as the most successful bidder

  • 4 the most successful

    * * *


    English-Croatian dictionary > the most successful

  • 5 successful

    adjective ((negative unsuccessful) having success: Were you successful in finding a new house?; The successful applicant for this job will be required to start work next month; a successful career.) afortunado; exitoso; fructuoso
    successful adj de éxito
    1 (person, career, film) de éxito; (plan, performance, attempt) acertado,-a, logrado,-a; (business) próspero,-a; (marriage) feliz; (meeting) satisfactorio,-a, positivo,-a
    to be successful in life triunfar en la vida
    successful [sək'sɛsfəl] adj
    : exitoso, logrado
    successfully adv
    acertado, -a adj.
    afortunado, -a adj.
    bienaventurado, -a adj.
    dichoso, -a adj.
    exitoso, -a adj.
    feliz adj.
    lucido, -a adj.
    próspero, -a adj.
    adjective < person> de éxito, exitoso (AmL)

    to be successful IN -ING: they were successful in persuading their colleagues — lograron convencer a sus colegas


    to be successful —

    a) [campaign, scheme, attempt, book] tener éxito; [plan, strategy, experiment] salir bien
    b) [person] (=do well) tener éxito; (=reach the top) triunfar

    we have been successful at achieving our objectiveshemos conseguido or logrado alcanzar nuestros objetivos

    we have not been very successful at or in attracting new contracts — no hemos tenido mucho éxito a la hora de atraer nuevos contratos

    a) (=winning) [product, film, novelist] de éxito
    b) (=prosperous) [company, businessperson] próspero
    c) (=effective) [treatment, remedy] eficaz

    a generally successful attempt to adapt this novel — una adaptación, en general lograda, de esta novela

    d) (=satisfactory) [conclusion] satisfactorio; [deal] favorable
    e) [applicant]
    * * *
    adjective < person> de éxito, exitoso (AmL)

    to be successful IN -ING: they were successful in persuading their colleagues — lograron convencer a sus colegas

    English-spanish dictionary > successful

  • 6 most

    [məust] n մեծ մասը, մեծամասնություն. at the mostամենաշատը. most of them նրանց մեծ մասը. most of the time ժամանակի մեծ մասը. He is 20 at the most Նա ամենաշատը 20 տարեկան է
    [məust] a ամենաշատ. in most cases մե ծամասնությամբ. for the most part գլխավորապես, մեծ մասամբ. most Holy Father Գերագույն Սուրբ Հայր, Նորին Սրբություն (Հռոմի պապ)
    [məust] adv մեծապես, առավելապես, ամենից ավելի առավել. most probably ամե նահա վանական. most certainly անշուշտ, ան պայմա նո րեն. most odd ամենատարօրինակ. գեր., աստ. the most successful ամենահաջող. the most important ամե նակարևոր

    English-Armenian dictionary > most

  • 7 paling berhasil

    most successful

    Indonesia-Inggris kamus > paling berhasil

  • 8 успешнейший

    Новый русско-английский словарь > успешнейший

  • 9 erfolgreichste

    Deutsch-Englisches Wörterbuch > erfolgreichste

  • 10 gelungenste

    Deutsch-Englisches Wörterbuch > gelungenste

  • 11 успешный

    successful, effective, advantageous
    Более успешный подход заключался в том, чтобы использовать... - A more successful approach has been to use...
    Подобные попытки не всегда являются успешными. - Such attempts are not necessarily successful.
    Этот метод наиболее успешен в случае, когда применяется в... - The method is most successful when applied to...

    Русско-английский словарь научного общения > успешный

  • 12 метод

    method, process, procedure, approach, technique, practice, tool, strategy
    Безо всяких изменений данный метод подходит для... - The method lends itself readily to...
    Более подходящим методом является... - A better technique is to...
    Более прямой метод получения величины F рассматривается в главе 9. - A more direct procedure for obtaining F is considered in Chapter 9.
    Более подходящим методом является определение... - A more satisfactory method is to establish...
    Большинство из этих более продвинутых методов требует... - Most of these more advanced methods require...
    Были предложены несколько методов. - Several techniques have been suggested.
    Было довольно нелегко разработать метод для... - It was fairly difficult to develop a method for...
    Было довольно сложно разработать метод для... - It was quite difficult to develop a method for...
    Было легко разработать метод для... - It was easy to develop a method for...
    Было относительно легко (= просто) разработать метод для... - It was relatively easy to develop a method for... (not easy on an absolute scale, but less challenging than other tasks)
    Было почти невозможно разработать метод для... - It was almost impossible to develop a method for... (so hard that we nearly failed)
    В альтернативном методе мы вычисляем... - In the alternative method we calculate...
    В данной главе мы представим метод для... - In this chapter, we shall formulate the procedure for...
    В данном приближенном методе существенно... - In this approximation procedure it is essential to...
    В качестве примера применения описанного выше метода мы показываем, что... - As an example of the method described above we show that...
    В недавние годы этот метод был улучшен посредством использования (чего-л). - In recent years the subject has been enriched by the use of...
    В основном мы следуем методу... - In essence we follow the procedure of...
    В последние годы несколько авторов отказались от этого метода. - Several authors have, in recent years, departed from this procedure.
    В своих основных чертах это был метод, использовавшийся Смитом [1]. - In essence, this was the method employed by Smith [1].
    В соответствии с методом, намеченным в Главе 1, мы... - In accordance with the method outlined in Chapter 1, we...
    В этой главе мы даем эффективный метод... - In this chapter we give an efficient method for...
    Вместо этого давайте разработаем (один) общий метод, посредством которого... - Instead, let us develop a general method whereby...
    Во многих случаях необходимо обращаться за помощью к приближенным методам. - In many cases it is necessary to resort to approximate methods.
    Возможно, безопасно применить метод... к... - It is probably safe to apply the method of... to...
    Возможно, наилучшим методом является... - Perhaps the best approach is to...
    Все вышеупомянутые методы не применимы для малых х. - The foregoing methods all fail for small x.
    Второй метод вывода уравнения (1) формулируется следующим образом. - A second method of obtaining (1) is as follows.
    Второй метод точно согласуется с... - The latter method agrees precisely with...
    Вышеуказанным методом обнаружено (= найдено), что... - By the above method it is found that...
    Геометрически метод состоит в следующем. - Geometrically, the procedure is as follows.
    Главное преимущество данного метода заключается в том, что... - The chief advantage of the method is that...
    Главным преимуществом данного метода является его общность. - The principal advantage of the method is its generality.
    Главным преимуществом данного метода по сравнению с традиционными является то, что... - The major advantage of this procedure over the traditional method is that...
    Главным преимуществом данного метода является его простота. - The principal virtue of the method is its simplicity.
    Далее, в данном методе заранее предполагается, что... - Further, the method presupposes...
    Данное свойство является основой одного метода нахождения... - This property provides one method of determining...
    Данный метод был предложен в статье [1]. - The method was suggested by Smith, et al. [1].
    Данный метод намного точнее, чем... - The present method is much more precise than...
    Данный метод не применим для/в... - The method does not apply to...
    Данный метод невозможно применить, когда/ если... - The method is not applicable when...
    Данный метод одинаково успешно можно применять к... - The method can equally well be applied to...
    Данный метод особенно подходит в случае, когда... - The method is particularly appropriate when...
    Данный метод позволяет... - The method enables one to...
    Данный метод позволяет исследователю... - The method allows an investigator to...
    Данный метод применим к широкому классу (в широком классе)... - The method is applicable to a large class of...
    Данный метод прост и довольно интересен, однако... - This method is simple and quite interesting, but...
    Данный отчет описывает новый метод... - This report describes a new method of...
    Данным методом можно решить ряд важных практических задач. - This method enables us to solve several problems of practical importance.
    Детали этого метода можно найти в [1]. - Details of the method can be found in Smith [1].
    Для... можно применить несколько методов. - Several methods are available for...
    Для получения... был использован ряд методов. - A number of methods have been used to obtain...
    Для преодоления этой трудности был разработан один метод. - One method has been advanced for overcoming this difficulty.
    Должны быть развиты методы для измерения... - Methods should be developed for measuring...
    Достоинство этого метода состоит в том, что... - The advantage of the method is that...
    Другим недостатком этого метода является то, что... - The other disadvantage of this procedure is that...; Another disadvantage of this procedure is that...
    Его метод доказательства весьма оригинален. - The method of proof is quite ingenious.
    Единственный доступный нам в настоящее время метод - это... - The only method available to us so far is...
    Единственным известным недостатком этого метода является то, что... - The only known disadvantage of this procedure is that...
    Еще одним методом является... - Still another approach is to...
    Здесь рассматривается (один) общий метод получения этих решений. - A general method of obtaining these solutions is considered here.
    Важность наших методов состоит в том, что они будут давать... - The significance of our methods is that they will yield...
    Значительно более удобный метод состоит в том, что... - A far more convenient approach is to...
    Имеются два обычно используемых метода для... - There are two commonly used methods for...
    Имеются три метода решения такой задачи. - There are three ways of attacking such a problem.
    Интересным альтернативным методом является следующий. - An interesting alternative procedure is as follows.
    Используя данный метод, следует помнить, что... - In using this method it is well to remember that...
    Используя любой подобный метод, необходимо (помнить и т. п.)... - With any method such as this it is necessary to...
    Используя этот метод, они нашли, что... - Using the method, they found that...; Using the method, they learned that...; Using the method, they determined that...; Using the method, they discovered that...
    Используя этот новый метод, мы можем... - By this new method it will be possible to...
    Итак, мы наметим несколько методов, которые могут использоваться для того, чтобы... - We therefore outline some procedures which can be used to...
    К сожалению, этот метод оказался неприменим. - Unfortunately, the method was not applicable; The method, unfortunately, was not applicable.
    К счастью, имеется один простой и подходящий для этого метод. - Fortunately, there is a simple technique available for doing this.
    Каков недостаток этого метода? - What is the disadvantage of this procedure?
    Каковы преимущества данного метода? - What are the advantages of this procedure?
    Конечно, это могло бы быть следствием неподходящих методов. - Of course, this could reflect the use of inappropriate methods.
    Конечно, этот метод не всегда применим. - Of course, this method will not always work.
    Коротко, мы будем интересоваться методами, которые... - In short, we will inquire into the ways in which...
    Кратко опишем метод для его оценки. - A method for estimating this will be given shortly.
    Метод... должен быть применен к/в... - The method of... should apply to...
    Метод... мог бы быть надежно применен для... - The method of... could safely be applied to,..
    Метод анализа, намеченный в предыдущем абзаце, показывает... - The method of analysis outlined in the last paragraph shows...
    Метод может использоваться для оценки... - The method can be used to estimate...
    Метод обладает очевидным преимуществом... - The method possesses the obvious advantage of...
    Метод основывается на принципе, что... - This method is based on the principle that...
    Метод перестает быть достаточно точным, если... - The method ceases to be reasonably accurate if...
    Метод состоит в следующем. - The procedure is as follows.
    Метод состоит из двух шагов. - The approach is in two steps.
    Метод требует от пользователя обеспечить... - The method requires the user to provide...
    Метод, который здесь описывается, требует... - The method to be described here involves...
    Метод, который мы описали, в общем случае не подходит для... - The procedure we have described is not, in general, suitable for...
    Метод, приведенный в этом параграфе, подобным образом может быть применен к... - The method of sections may be applied in a similar way to...
    Метод, с помощью которой это было получено, известен как... - The technique by which this is achieved is known as...
    Методы, которые мы рассмотрели, позволяют нам... - The methods we have considered enable us to...
    Можно использовать множество методов. Например,... - A variety of methods may be employed, e. g.,...
    Можно ожидать, что метод обеспечит нахождение по меньшей мере одного корня. - The method can be expected to provide at least one root.
    Мы будем придерживаться этого метода. - We shall follow this method.
    Мы ввели широкий класс методов решения... - We have introduced a wide range of procedures for solving...
    Мы можем обратить метод и вывести, что... - We can reverse the process and deduce that...
    Мы наметим в общих чертах метод, основанный на... - We will outline a procedure based on...
    Мы откладываем обсуждение подобных методов до параграфа 5. - We defer the discussion of such methods to Section 5.
    Мы принимаем полностью отличный от данного метод. - We adopt an entirely different method.
    Мы проиллюстрируем данный метод для случая... - We shall illustrate the procedure for the case of...
    Мы считаем, что метод... можно применять к/в... - We believe that the method of... is applicable to...
    Мы увидим, что эти методы могут использоваться лишь тогда, когда... - It will be observed that these methods are only applicable when...
    Мы упоминаем лишь два таких метода... - We mention only two such methods of...
    На данный метод часто ссылаются как на... - This process is often referred to as...
    На самом деле оба метода используются на практике. - Both methods are in fact used in practice.
    На сегодняшний день важность этого метода заключается в том, что... - For the present, the significance of this process lies in the fact that...
    Наиболее важным преимуществом данного метода является то, что... - The primary advantage of this procedure is that...
    Наиболее просто следовать этому методу в случае... - The procedure is most simply followed for the case of...
    Наиболее часто используемые методы перечислены ниже:... - The methods that are most often used follow:...
    Наиболее широко используемые методы основываются на... - The techniques most widely used are based on...
    Наиболее широко используемый метод это тот, что был введен Смитом [1]. - The method most commonly employed is that introduced by Smith [1].
    Наш метод будет весьма существенно отличаться от данного. - Our procedure will be quite different from this.
    Нашей основной целью является описание систематических методов для... - Our first concern is to describe systematic methods for...
    Не существует систематического метода определения... - There is no systematic way of determining...
    Недостатком данного метода является то, что он требует... - The disadvantage of this procedure is that it requires...
    Недостаток этого метода можно видеть... - The flaw in this approach can be seen by...
    Несколько методов анализа были введены с помощью... - Several methods of analysis are introduced by means of...
    Ни один из этих методов не требует... - Neither of these methods requires...
    Ниже описываются два подобных метода. - Two such methods are described below.
    Обнаружилось, что данный метод (здесь) не приложим. - It turned out that the method was not applicable.
    Обнаружилось, что данный метод успешно используется в широкой области... - The method is found to be successful on a wide range of...
    Обычно считают, что Смит [1] положил начало этому методу. - Smith [1] is usually credited with originating this method.
    Обычным методом является измерение... - A common procedure is to measure...
    Один такой несколько искусственный метод занимается... - One such trick is concerned with...
    Одна элегантная версия данного метода использует... - An elegant version of this method employs...
    Однако данный метод требует предварительного знания... - However, this method presupposes a knowledge of...
    Однако лучше всего ввести этот метод, рассматривая... - However, the method is best introduced by considering...
    Однако метод может не сработать даже при отсутствии... - However, the procedure may fail even in the absence of...
    Однако мы воспользуемся здесь более общим методом, разработанным Воровичем [1]. - But we shall follow here a more general method due to Vorovich [1].
    Однако мы легко можем разработать метод для... - We can, however, easily devise a means for...
    Однако решения все еще могут быть получены при помощи чисто численных методов. - Solutions can still be obtained, however, by resorting to purely numerical methods.
    Однако существует стандартный метод работы с... - However, there is a standard method of dealing with...
    Однако этот метод не работает, будучи примененным к... - This approach, however, breaks down when applied to...
    Однако этот метод совершенно не удовлетворяет нашим целям. - This procedure, however, falls far short of our goal.
    Одним из преимуществ этого метода является то, что... - One advantage of this procedure is that...
    Одним общим недостатком данного метода является наличие... - One common drawback of this method is the presence of...
    Оказывается, данный метод первоначально появился в работах Смита [1]. - The method appears to have originated in the works of Smith [1].
    Описанная выше процедура представляет один строгий метод... - The procedure described above represents a rigorous method of...
    Описанный выше метод может быть использован для построения... - The procedure described above can be used to construct...
    Описанный здесь метод всегда приводит... - The procedure described here always yields...
    Основной слабостью метода является... - The main weakness of the method is...
    Отличительным преимуществом данного метода является то, что... - A distinct advantage of the procedure is that...
    Отличный от вышеупомянутого метод был предложен Джонсом [1]. - A different method has been given by Jones [1].
    Перед этим не имелось общепризнанного метода... - Prior to this, there was no generally accepted method of...
    Подобные методы могут использоваться в более сложных ситуациях. - Similar methods may be employed in more complicated cases.
    Подобный метод был рассмотрен Смитом [1], который... - Such a procedure has been considered by Smith [1], who...
    Подобный метод может быть принят, когда... - A similar method may be adopted when...
    Подобный метод применяется к/в... - A similar method applies to...
    Пользуясь такими методами, мы можем избежать... - By such expediencies we can avoid...
    Потенциальное преимущество данного метода состоит в том, что... - A potential advantage of this procedure lies in the fact that...
    Поэтому мы применяем слегка модифицированный метод. - We therefore adopt a slightly different method.
    Предпочтительным, однако, является метод... - The preferred method, however, is to...
    Преимущество этого метода заключается в том, что... - The advantage of this method lies in the fact that...
    Преимущество этого метода, следовательно, состоит в том, что он обеспечивает простой... - The advantage < this procedure, therefore, is that it provides a simple...
    Применение данного метода ограничено... - The application of this method is confined to...
    Применение данного метода показывает... - An application of this process shows...
    Применение данного специального метода оправдано (чем-л). - The adoption of this particular method is justified by...
    Проиллюстрируем общий метод, рассматривая... - We illustrate the general method by considering...
    Рассматриваемые до сих пор методы касаются... - The methods considered so far have been concerned with...
    Результаты всех этих методов согласуются с... - The results of all these methods are consistent with...
    Решающим недостатком этого метода является то, что... - The crucial disadvantage of this procedure is that...
    С другой стороны, этот метод даст... - On the other hand, this method will give...
    Открытие Смита сделало возможным новый метод... - Smith's discovery made possible a new method of...
    Самым простым из таких методов является (метод)... - The simplest such method is...
    Следовательно, необходимо развить общий метод для... - It is, therefore, necessary to devise a general method for...
    Следует подчеркнуть, что этот метод должен использоваться только если... - It is to be emphasized that this method should be used only; if...
    Следует уделить внимание методам... - Attention should be given to methods of...
    Следующее рассуждение иллюстрирует метод... - The following treatment illustrates the method of...
    Следующим недостатком этого метода является то, что... - A further disadvantage of this procedure is that...
    Смит [lj обнаружил метод для... - Smith [1] discovered a method for...
    Смит [1] предложил метод вычисления... - Smith [l] has proposed a method of calculating...
    Смит [1] применил этот метод к... - Smith [1] has applied this method to.,.
    Стандартным методом является следующий. - The standard procedure is as follows.
    Таким образом, мы имеем метод, который позволяет... - Thus we have a method which yields...
    Тем не менее, развитые нами методы обеспечивают основу для... - However, the methods we have developed provide a basis for...
    Теперь мы (полностью) готовы использовать методы, разработанные во втором параграфе. - We are now ready to use the methods of Section 2.
    Теперь мы обсудим систематические методы, которые f можно использовать в/ при... - We now discuss systematic methods which can be applied to...
    Теперь мы применим метод Римана, чтобы... - We now apply Riemann's method in order to...
    Только что описанный метод известен как... - The procedure we have described is known as...
    Тот же метод можно применять в/к... - The same method may be applied to...
    Удобным методом достижения необходимой цели является... - A convenient way to accomplish this is to...
    Усовершенствованные экспериментальные методы сделали возможным... - Refined experimental methods have made it possible to...
    Фундаментальным преимуществом этого метода является то, что... - A fundamental advantage of this procedure is that...
    Хотя этот метод и несколько необычен, он справедлив (= работает) как и любой из известных методов. - Although this method is somewhat unorthodox, it is as valid as any of the more familiar methods.
    Центральной идеей, на которой основывался подход Смита [1], была... - The essential idea behind Smith's approach was that...
    Чтобы воспользоваться преимуществами данного метода, необходимо... - In order to take advantage of this procedure, one must...
    Чтобы проиллюстрировать применение метода, мы... - То illustrate the process we...
    Эдисон изобрел новый метод для... - Edison invented a new method for...
    Эдисон обдумывал новый метод для... - Edison devised a new method for...
    Эти методы вводятся в следующем параграфе. - These methods are introduced in the next section.
    Эти методы весьма громоздки. - These processes are tedious.
    Эти методы настолько чувствительны, что... - These methods are so sensitive that...
    Эти методы нельзя применять в случае, когда... - These methods are not applicable in the case of...
    Эти методы очень чувствительны к малым изменениям в... - These methods are very sensitive to small changes in...
    Эти методы получают своих сторонников, так как... - These methods attract proponents because...
    Этим методом (= На этом пути) мы можем получить (вывести и т. п.)... - In this way we can arrive at...
    Это будет объяснено примерами, когда мы будем изучать метод... - This point will be clarified by examples when we study the method of...
    Это известный метод, принятый во многих работах... - This is a familiar procedure, undertaken in many studies of...
    Это иллюстрирует важный метод... - This illustrates an important method of...
    Это можно увидеть двумя методами. - This can be seen in two ways.
    Это несущественный недостаток метода, поскольку... - This is not a serious defect of the method because...
    Это приводит к полезным методам обращения с... - This leads to useful ways of dealing with...
    Это простой метод, который можно проиллюстрировать, рассматривая... - This is a simple procedure which can be illustrated by considering...
    Этот метод аналогичен использованному в... - The procedure is similar to that used in...
    Этот метод был описан Смитом [1]. - The method has been described by Smith [1].
    Этот метод был последовательно доведен до полной эффективности Смитом [3]. - This method was subsequently brought to full fruition by Smith [3].
    Этот метод вполне очевиден. - This procedure is quite straightforward.
    Этот метод доказательства довольно общий и применим к... - The method of proof is quite general and applies to...
    Этот метод известен как... - The procedure is known as...
    Этот метод имеет следующие недостатки. - The procedure has the following disadvantages.
    Этот метод интересен по следующей причине. - This method is of interest for the following reason.
    Этот метод легко адаптируется к/ для... - This procedure is readily adaptable to...
    Этот метод легко понять, замечая, что... - The process is easily understood by noting that...
    Этот метод лучше всего иллюстрируется примером. - The procedure is best illustrated by an example.
    Этот метод наиболее успешен в случае, когда он применяется в... - The method is most successful when applied to...
    Этот метод очевидным образом может быть распространен на (случай)... - This process can clearly be extended to...
    Этот метод принимается, поскольку... - This approach is adopted because...
    Этот метод являлся стандартным в течение многих лет. Несмотря на более новые разработки он будет использоваться и далее. - This approach has been standard for many years, and will continue to be of great use regardless of newer developments.
    Этот технически простой метод действительно требует... - This technically simple method does require...

    Русско-английский словарь научного общения > метод

  • 13 Paraderolle

    f: das ist seine Paraderolle that’s his party piece; das ist für sie eine Paraderolle she was made ( oder cut out) for the part; das war eine ihrer Paraderollen it was one of her most famous ( oder most successful) roles ( oder parts)
    * * *
    (von Schauspieler) most famous role

    der Hamlet war seine Paráderolle — he was best known for his role as Hamlet

    * * *
    das ist seine Paraderolle that’s his party piece;
    das ist für sie eine Paraderolle she was made ( oder cut out) for the part;
    das war eine ihrer Paraderollen it was one of her most famous ( oder most successful) roles ( oder parts)

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Paraderolle

  • 14 antiguo

    1 ancient, early, antique, long-standing.
    2 former, olden, one-time, sometime.
    3 outdated, of a bygone era, archaic, outmoded.
    1st person singular (yo) present indicative of spanish verb: antiguar.
    * * *
    1 (gen) ancient, old; (coche) vintage, old
    2 (en empleo) senior
    3 (pasado) old-fashioned
    4 (anterior) former
    1 the ancients
    a la antigua in an old-fashioned way
    de antiguo since ancient times
    * * *
    (f. - antigua)
    1) old
    * * *
    antiguo, -a
    1. ADJ
    1) (=viejo) [ciudad, costumbre] old; [coche] vintage; [mueble, objeto, libro] antique

    a la antigua (usanza) — in the old-fashioned way

    de o desde antiguo — from time immemorial

    en lo antiguo — in olden days liter, in ancient times

    chapado, música
    2) ( Hist) [civilización, restos] ancient

    el palacio árabe más antiguo — the oldest Arab palace, the most ancient Arab palace

    edad 2)
    3) (=anterior) old, former

    la antigua capilla, ahora sala de exposiciones — the old o former chapel, now an exhibition hall

    un antiguo novio — an old boyfriend, an ex-boyfriend

    mi antiguo jefe — my former boss, my ex-boss

    más antiguo — [cliente, socio] longest-standing; [empleado, prisionero] longest-serving

    el socio más antiguo — the most senior member, the longest-standing member, the oldest member

    4) (=anticuado) [traje, estilo, persona] old-fashioned; [mentalidad] outdated
    2. SM / F
    1) (=anticuado)

    tu madre es una antigua — your mother is really old-fashioned, your mother is a real fuddy-duddy *

    2) (=veterano)
    3) ( Hist)
    * * *
    - gua adjetivo
    a) ( viejo) <ciudad/libro> old; <ruinas/civilización> ancient; <mueble/lámpara> antique, old; < coche> vintage, old; <costumbre/tradición> old
    b) ( veterano) old, long-standing

    de or desde antiguo — from time immemorial

    2) (delante del n) ( de antes) old (before n), former (before n)
    3) ( anticuado) old-fashioned
    * * *
    = ancient, early [earlier -comp., earliest -sup.], former, old [older -comp., oldest -sup.], long-standing, age-old, sometime + Nombre, erstwhile, overaged, olde, retrospective, timeworn, antique.
    Ex. But this traditional stance conceals an ancient feud between cataloguers and reference librarians over the true function of the library catalogue.
    Ex. Microforms are easy to use, although there were early reservations concerning the fact that users need to become familiar with any specific kind of microform and its reader.
    Ex. This person acted as the liaison with the former UNIMARC Working Group.
    Ex. These circumvent many of the problems that must be tackled in subject indexing such as the emergence of new terms and new meanings for old words.
    Ex. The struggle to make the library an integral part of the educational process is a long-standing one which has yet to be resolved.
    Ex. The current environment in higher education is providing an opportunity for librarians to define a future that will ensure their central role in the educational process and thus resolve these remaining age-old questions.
    Ex. One of the most successful is the system devised by Dyson, sometime editor of CA.
    Ex. This article relates the professional experiences of an erstwhile academic librarian.
    Ex. Bielefeld University is replacing its overaged mainframe data processing systems in the library.
    Ex. The article 'Ye olde smart card' presents an annotated list of information sources on the credit card industry.
    Ex. It seems appropriate to take a retrospective look at the evolution of our catalog and the ideology which has shaped it.
    Ex. But beyond the honeymoon hotels and resorts, Polynesian life goes on and timeworn traditions are preserved.
    Ex. A small cranberry tree surrounded by holly sits on an antique marble-top table.
    * a la antigua = old-style.
    * a la antigua usanza = old-style.
    * antigua esposa = ex-wife.
    * antigua gloria = Posesivo + former glory.
    * antigua grandeza = Posesivo + former glory.
    * Antigua Grecia = Ancient Greece.
    * antigua novia = ex-girlfriend.
    * antigua Roma = ancient Rome.
    * antiguo alumno = alumnus [alumni, -pl.], alum.
    * antiguo esplendor = Posesivo + former glory.
    * antiguo periodista = ex-journalist.
    * antiguo régimen, el = ancient regime, the.
    * antiguos egipcios, los = ancient Egyptians, the.
    * antiguo soldado = ex-soldier.
    * Antiguo Testamento, el = Old Testament (O.T.), the.
    * asociación de antiguos alumnos = alumni association.
    * casco antiguo = old town.
    * casco antiguo de la ciudad, el = oldest part of the city, the.
    * chapado a la antigua = fuddy-duddy.
    * de antigua generación = low-end.
    * de antiguo = from time immemorial.
    * desde antiguo = from time immemorial.
    * desde muy antiguo = since olden times.
    * en el mundo antiguo = in antiquity.
    * impreso antiguo = old print.
    * ISBD(A) (Descripción Bibliográfica Normalizada Internacional - material anti = ISBD(A) (International Standard Bibliographic Description - Antiquarian).
    * ley antigua = ancient law.
    * libro antiguo = old book, rare book.
    * más antiguo = longest-serving.
    * más antiguo, el = seniormost, the.
    * muy antiguo = centuries-old.
    * obra antigua = ancient work.
    * periódicos antiguos = old newspapers.
    * recuperar + Posesivo + antigua grandeza = regain + Posesivo + former glory.
    * recuperar + Posesivo + antiguo esplendor = regain + Posesivo + former glory.
    * recuperar + Posesivo + antiguo gloria = regain + Posesivo + former glory.
    * red de antiguos compañeros = old boy network.
    * restituir Algo a su antigua grandeza = restore + Nombre + to + Posesivo + former glory.
    * reunión de antiguos alumnos = class reunion.
    * ser muy antiguo = go back + a long way.
    * vestido a la antigua = frumpy [frumpier -comp., frumpiest -sup.], frumpish.
    * * *
    - gua adjetivo
    a) ( viejo) <ciudad/libro> old; <ruinas/civilización> ancient; <mueble/lámpara> antique, old; < coche> vintage, old; <costumbre/tradición> old
    b) ( veterano) old, long-standing

    de or desde antiguo — from time immemorial

    2) (delante del n) ( de antes) old (before n), former (before n)
    3) ( anticuado) old-fashioned
    * * *
    = ancient, early [earlier -comp., earliest -sup.], former, old [older -comp., oldest -sup.], long-standing, age-old, sometime + Nombre, erstwhile, overaged, olde, retrospective, timeworn, antique.

    Ex: But this traditional stance conceals an ancient feud between cataloguers and reference librarians over the true function of the library catalogue.

    Ex: Microforms are easy to use, although there were early reservations concerning the fact that users need to become familiar with any specific kind of microform and its reader.
    Ex: This person acted as the liaison with the former UNIMARC Working Group.
    Ex: These circumvent many of the problems that must be tackled in subject indexing such as the emergence of new terms and new meanings for old words.
    Ex: The struggle to make the library an integral part of the educational process is a long-standing one which has yet to be resolved.
    Ex: The current environment in higher education is providing an opportunity for librarians to define a future that will ensure their central role in the educational process and thus resolve these remaining age-old questions.
    Ex: One of the most successful is the system devised by Dyson, sometime editor of CA.
    Ex: This article relates the professional experiences of an erstwhile academic librarian.
    Ex: Bielefeld University is replacing its overaged mainframe data processing systems in the library.
    Ex: The article 'Ye olde smart card' presents an annotated list of information sources on the credit card industry.
    Ex: It seems appropriate to take a retrospective look at the evolution of our catalog and the ideology which has shaped it.
    Ex: But beyond the honeymoon hotels and resorts, Polynesian life goes on and timeworn traditions are preserved.
    Ex: A small cranberry tree surrounded by holly sits on an antique marble-top table.
    * a la antigua = old-style.
    * a la antigua usanza = old-style.
    * antigua esposa = ex-wife.
    * antigua gloria = Posesivo + former glory.
    * antigua grandeza = Posesivo + former glory.
    * Antigua Grecia = Ancient Greece.
    * antigua novia = ex-girlfriend.
    * antigua Roma = ancient Rome.
    * antiguo alumno = alumnus [alumni, -pl.], alum.
    * antiguo esplendor = Posesivo + former glory.
    * antiguo periodista = ex-journalist.
    * antiguo régimen, el = ancient regime, the.
    * antiguos egipcios, los = ancient Egyptians, the.
    * antiguo soldado = ex-soldier.
    * Antiguo Testamento, el = Old Testament (O.T.), the.
    * asociación de antiguos alumnos = alumni association.
    * casco antiguo = old town.
    * casco antiguo de la ciudad, el = oldest part of the city, the.
    * chapado a la antigua = fuddy-duddy.
    * de antigua generación = low-end.
    * de antiguo = from time immemorial.
    * desde antiguo = from time immemorial.
    * desde muy antiguo = since olden times.
    * en el mundo antiguo = in antiquity.
    * impreso antiguo = old print.
    * ISBD(A) (Descripción Bibliográfica Normalizada Internacional - material anti = ISBD(A) (International Standard Bibliographic Description - Antiquarian).
    * ley antigua = ancient law.
    * libro antiguo = old book, rare book.
    * más antiguo = longest-serving.
    * más antiguo, el = seniormost, the.
    * muy antiguo = centuries-old.
    * obra antigua = ancient work.
    * periódicos antiguos = old newspapers.
    * recuperar + Posesivo + antigua grandeza = regain + Posesivo + former glory.
    * recuperar + Posesivo + antiguo esplendor = regain + Posesivo + former glory.
    * recuperar + Posesivo + antiguo gloria = regain + Posesivo + former glory.
    * red de antiguos compañeros = old boy network.
    * restituir Algo a su antigua grandeza = restore + Nombre + to + Posesivo + former glory.
    * reunión de antiguos alumnos = class reunion.
    * ser muy antiguo = go back + a long way.
    * vestido a la antigua = frumpy [frumpier -comp., frumpiest -sup.], frumpish.

    * * *
    1 (viejo) ‹casa/ciudad› old; ‹ruinas/civilización› ancient; ‹mueble/lámpara› antique, old; ‹libro› old; ‹coche› vintage, old
    la parte antigua de la ciudad the old part of the city
    la antigua Roma ancient Rome
    una costumbre muy antigua an ancient o a very old custom
    es mejor no reavivar antiguas rencillas it's best not to revive old quarrels
    2 (veterano) old, long-standing
    es uno de nuestros más antiguos clientes he's one of our oldest customers
    3 ( en locs):
    a la antigua in an old-fashioned way
    se viste a la antigua she dresses in an old-fashioned way o style
    chapado a la antigua old-fashioned
    de or desde antiguo from time immemorial
    una tradición que viene de antiguo a tradition which dates from time immemorial
    masculine ancien régime
    masculine Old Testament
    B ( delante del n) (de antes) old ( before n), former ( before n)
    un antiguo novio an ex-boyfriend o old boyfriend
    visitamos mi antiguo colegio we visited my old school
    Río, antigua capital del Brasil Rio, the former capital of Brazil
    C (anticuado) ‹persona/estilo› old-fashioned
    tiene una cara muy antigua she has a very old-fashioned kind of face, her face seems to belong to another era
    * * *


    ◊ - gua adjetivo

    a) ( viejo) ‹ciudad/libro old;

    ruinas/civilización ancient;
    mueble/lámpara antique, old;
    coche vintage, old;
    costumbre/tradición old;

    c) ( en locs)

    chapado a la antigua old-fashioned;
    de or desde antiguo from time immemorial
    2 ( delante del n) ( de antes) old ( before n), former ( before n);

    3 ( anticuado) old-fashioned
    antiguo,-a adjetivo
    1 old, ancient: Antiguo Testamento, Old Testament
    2 (pasado de moda) old-fashioned
    3 (empleado, cargo) senior
    4 (anterior) former
    ' antiguo' also found in these entries:
    - casco
    - decana
    - decano
    - entre
    - restituir
    - sellar
    - testamento
    - ver
    - combatiente
    - viejo
    - ancient
    - antique
    - become
    - dissociate
    - encounter
    - ex-
    - flame
    - former
    - gramophone
    - imperial mile
    - long-standing
    - old
    - old-style
    - one
    - paper
    - take over
    - testament
    - erstwhile
    - further
    - long
    - past
    - sometime
    - veteran
    - vintage car
    * * *
    antiguo, -a
    1. [viejo] old;
    [inmemorial] ancient;
    un antiguo amigo/enemigo an old friend/enemy
    antiguo alumno [de colegio] ex-pupil, former pupil, US alumnus;
    el antiguo continente [Europa] Europe;
    la antigua Roma Ancient Rome;
    el Antiguo Testamento the Old Testament
    2. [anterior, previo] former;
    la antigua Unión Soviética the former Soviet Union
    el antiguo régimen the former regime; Hist the ancien régime
    3. [veterano]
    los miembros/empleados más antiguos tienen preferencia preference is given to the longest-serving members/employees;
    los vecinos más antiguos the neighbours who've been here longest
    4. [pasado de moda] old-fashioned;
    a la antigua in an old-fashioned way;
    chapado a la antigua stuck in the past, old-fashioned
    1. [persona] old-fashioned person;
    su tío es un antiguo her uncle is very old-fashioned
    los antiguos [de la Antigüedad] the ancients
    * * *
    adj old; del pasado remoto ancient;
    su antiguo novio her old o former boyfriend;
    a la antigua in the old-fashioned way;
    edad antigua ancient times pl
    * * *
    antiguo, - gua adj
    1) : ancient, old
    2) : former
    3) : old-fashioned
    a la antigua: in the old-fashioned way
    * * *
    antiguo adj
    1. (mueble, cuadro, etc) antique
    2. (casa, coche) old
    3. (idioma, cultura) ancient
    4. (anterior) former
    5. (en el trabajo) senior
    6. (anticuado) old fashioned
    ¡qué ideas más antiguas tienes! what old fashioned ideas you've got!

    Spanish-English dictionary > antiguo

  • 15 logrado

    past part.
    past participle of spanish verb: lograr.
    * * *
    1→ link=lograr lograr
    1 (conseguido) successful
    * * *
    * * *
    - da adjetivo successful
    * * *
    = licked, slick.
    Ex. Modern art is often characterized by its overt acknowledgement of materials and process, whereas the licked surface of academic art is perceived as a sympton of pre-modern concerns.
    Ex. Whether conceived as a bookmark, newspaper tabloid, balloon, slick booklet, or some other format, the client-directed annual report conveys not only the information itself but also the intent to focus on the client's interest.
    * * *
    - da adjetivo successful
    * * *
    = licked, slick.

    Ex: Modern art is often characterized by its overt acknowledgement of materials and process, whereas the licked surface of academic art is perceived as a sympton of pre-modern concerns.

    Ex: Whether conceived as a bookmark, newspaper tabloid, balloon, slick booklet, or some other format, the client-directed annual report conveys not only the information itself but also the intent to focus on the client's interest.

    * * *
    logrado -da
    uno de los aspectos más or mejor logrados de la obra one of the most successful aspects of the work
    un logrado busto del escritor a lifelike bust of the writer
    una recreación muy lograda del ambiente de la época a very authentic recreation of the atmosphere of the period
    * * *

    Del verbo lograr: ( conjugate lograr)

    logrado es:

    el participio

    Multiple Entries:
    ◊ -da adjetivo ( satisfactorio) successful;

    ( verosímil) ‹retrato/personaje lifelike
    lograr ( conjugate lograr) verbo transitivo objetivo to attain, achieve;
    éxito to achieve;

    logrado hacer algo to manage to do sth
    lograr verbo transitivo
    1 to obtain: logró hacerse escuchar, he managed to make himself heard
    logrará su propósito, he'll achieve his purpose
    no logro conciliar el sueño, I can't sleep ➣ Ver nota en manage 2 (medalla, reconocimiento) to win

    ' logrado' also found in these entries:
    - pull off
    - slick
    - accomplished
    - achievement
    - do
    - set
    * * *
    logrado, -a adj
    [bien hecho] accomplished;
    es una imitación muy lograda it is a very authentic imitation
    * * *
    adj excellent
    * * *
    logrado, -da adj
    : successful, well done

    Spanish-English dictionary > logrado

  • 16 reconocer

    1 to recognize.
    no te reconocía I didn´t recognize you
    el buen vino se reconoce por el color you can tell a good wine by its color
    Ella reconoce a su hermano She recognizes her brother.
    2 to admit.
    reconozco que estaba equivocada I accept o admit that I was mistaken
    hay que reconocer que lo hace muy bien you have to admit that she's very good at it
    3 to examine.
    El doctor reconoce al paciente The doctor examines the patient.
    4 to survey (terreno).
    5 to recognize (law) (hijo, derecho, partido).
    6 to acknowledge, to recognize, to accept, to confess.
    Ella reconoce su fracaso She acknowledges her failure.
    7 to acknowledge to.
    Ella reconoce haber firmado She acknowledges to having signed.
    8 to give recognition to.
    * * *
    Conjugation model [ CONOCER], like link=conocer conocer
    1 (gen) to recognize
    2 (examinar) to examine
    3 (agradecer) to be grateful for
    4 (admitir) to recognize, admit
    5 (afrontar) to face
    6 MILITAR (terreno) to reconnoitre (US reconnoiter)
    7 MEDICINA (paciente) to examine
    1 to recognize each other
    2 (admitirse) to admit
    * * *
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) (=conocer) to recognize

    le reconocí por la vozI knew o recognized him by his voice

    2) (=identificar) to identify
    3) (=considerar) [+ gobierno, hijo] to recognize
    4) (=admitir) to admit

    reconócelo, ha sido culpa tuya — admit it, it was your fault

    5) (=agradecer) [+ servicio] to be grateful for
    6) (Med) [+ paciente] to examine
    7) [+ terreno] to survey; (Mil) to reconnoitre, spy out
    8) (=registrar) to search
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) <hecho/error> to admit

    hay que reconocer que... — you can't deny that..., you have to admit that...

    b) <hijo/gobierno/derecho> to recognize
    2) ( identificar) <persona/letra/voz> to recognize
    a) <paciente/enfermo> to examine
    b) < terreno> to reconnoiter*
    reconocerse v pron ( confesarse) (+ compl)
    * * *
    = accredit, acknowledge, credit, give + credit, recognise [recognize, -USA], pick up.
    Ex. This is a report of a survey of off-campus/extension courses in graduates library education programs accredited by the American Library Association.
    Ex. In acknowledging these principles, Sears' is consistent with traditional ideas on the construction of alphabetical subject catalogues.
    Ex. While he cannot be credited with shaping the library in terms of selecting the book stock, he maintained and cared for it diligently for many years.
    Ex. The inventory needs to be revised, the salesman needs to be given credit for the sale, the general accounts need an entry, and, most important, the customer needs to be charged.
    Ex. AACR2 recognised that a cataloguing code of the 1980s must treat all media as equal.
    Ex. The most successful are based on computational morphosyntax which will pick up inflexional forms of stems.
    * haber + que reconocer que = have to hand it to + Nombre.
    * merecer que se reconozca la labor realizada = deserve + credit.
    * reconocer el mérito de Alguien = get + Posesivo + due(s).
    * reconocerse = come to be + Participio Pasado.
    * ser un hecho ampliamente reconocido = it + be + widely recognised.
    * sin reconocer = unrecognised [unrecognized, -USA].
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) <hecho/error> to admit

    hay que reconocer que... — you can't deny that..., you have to admit that...

    b) <hijo/gobierno/derecho> to recognize
    2) ( identificar) <persona/letra/voz> to recognize
    a) <paciente/enfermo> to examine
    b) < terreno> to reconnoiter*
    reconocerse v pron ( confesarse) (+ compl)
    * * *
    = accredit, acknowledge, credit, give + credit, recognise [recognize, -USA], pick up.

    Ex: This is a report of a survey of off-campus/extension courses in graduates library education programs accredited by the American Library Association.

    Ex: In acknowledging these principles, Sears' is consistent with traditional ideas on the construction of alphabetical subject catalogues.
    Ex: While he cannot be credited with shaping the library in terms of selecting the book stock, he maintained and cared for it diligently for many years.
    Ex: The inventory needs to be revised, the salesman needs to be given credit for the sale, the general accounts need an entry, and, most important, the customer needs to be charged.
    Ex: AACR2 recognised that a cataloguing code of the 1980s must treat all media as equal.
    Ex: The most successful are based on computational morphosyntax which will pick up inflexional forms of stems.
    * haber + que reconocer que = have to hand it to + Nombre.
    * merecer que se reconozca la labor realizada = deserve + credit.
    * reconocer el mérito de Alguien = get + Posesivo + due(s).
    * reconocerse = come to be + Participio Pasado.
    * ser un hecho ampliamente reconocido = it + be + widely recognised.
    * sin reconocer = unrecognised [unrecognized, -USA].

    * * *
    reconocer [E3 ]
    1 (admitir, aceptar) ‹hecho/error› to admit
    reconozco que llevas razón I admit that you're right
    hay que reconocer que canta bien you can't deny that he sings well, you have to admit that he sings well
    reconoció que existían grandes diferencias he acknowledged that there were major differences
    2 (legalmente) ‹hijo/gobierno/sindicato› to recognize; ‹derecho› to recognize, acknowledge
    los derechos que te reconoce la ley the rights which are legally yours o which are yours by law
    derechos reconocidos en la Constitución rights recognized o enshrined in the Constitution
    B (identificar) ‹persona› to recognize; ‹letra› to recognize
    perdona, no te había reconocido I'm sorry, I didn't recognize you
    no le reconocí la voz I didn't recognize her voice
    lo reconocería de entre un millón I'd recognize him anywhere
    los machos se reconocen por sus plumas de colores you can tell o recognize the males by their colorful plumage
    1 ‹paciente/enfermo› to examine
    será reconocido a fondo por el médico he will undergo a thorough medical examination
    2 ‹terreno› to reconnoiter*
    (confesarse) (+ compl):
    se reconoció culpable he admitted that he was guilty, he acknowledged o recognized his guilt
    * * *


    reconocer ( conjugate reconocer) verbo transitivo
    a)hecho/error to admit;

    verdad/autoridad to acknowledge
    b)hijo/gobierno/derecho to recognize

    2 ( identificar) ‹persona/letra/voz to recognize
    3 terreno› to reconnoiter( conjugate reconnoiter)
    reconocer verbo transitivo
    1 (una cara, una voz, etc) to recognize: le reconocí por el modo de andar, I recgnized him because of the way he walks
    2 (un error, etc) to admit: no quiere reconocer que oye mal, she doesn't want to admit that she's poor of hearing ➣ Ver nota en admit 3 (a un paciente) to examine
    4 (un territorio) to reconnoitre
    5 (un estado, un derecho, a un hijo) to recognize
    ' reconocer' also found in these entries:
    - confesar
    - conocer
    - desconocer
    - distinguir
    - tacto
    - acusar
    - admitir
    - conceder
    - acknowledge
    - admit
    - appreciate
    - bow
    - concede
    - face
    - face up to
    - know
    - pick out
    - place
    - recognize
    - reconnoiter
    - reconnoitre
    - repudiate
    - scout
    - spot
    - admittedly
    - agree
    - denial
    - disown
    - do
    - due
    - grant
    - must
    - own
    - pick
    - survey
    * * *
    1. [identificar] to recognize;
    con esa barba no te reconocía I didn't recognize you with that beard;
    reconocí su voz I recognized her voice;
    el buen vino se reconoce por el color you can tell a good wine by its colour
    2. [admitir] to admit;
    reconozco que estaba equivocada I accept o admit that I was mistaken;
    hay que reconocer que lo hace muy bien you have to admit that she's very good at it;
    por fin le reconocieron sus méritos they finally recognized her worth;
    lo reconocieron como el mejor atleta del siglo he was acknowledged as the greatest athlete of the century
    3. [examinar] to examine;
    el doctor la reconocerá enseguida the doctor will see you in a moment
    4. [inspeccionar] to survey;
    Mil to reconnoitre
    5. [agradecer] to acknowledge;
    reconocieron su trabajo con un ascenso they acknowledged his work o showed their appreciation of his work by promoting him;
    reconoció su esfuerzo con un regalo he gave her a present in recognition of all her hard work
    6. Der [hijo] to recognize;
    [firma] to authenticate; [sindicato, partido, derecho] to recognize;
    no reconoce la autoridad del rey he doesn't recognize o acknowledge the king's authority
    * * *
    1 recognize
    2 error admit, acknowledge
    3 área reconnoiter, Br
    4 MED examine
    * * *
    reconocer {18} vt
    1) : to recognize
    2) : to admit
    3) : to examine
    * * *
    1. (identificar) to recognize
    2. (admitir) to admit

    Spanish-English dictionary > reconocer

  • 17 top

    I 1. noun
    1) (highest part) Spitze, die; (of table) Platte, die; (of bench seat) Sitzfläche, die; (top floor) oberstes Stockwerk; (flat roof, roof garden) Dach, das; (rim of glass, bottle, etc.) Rand, der; (top end) oberes Ende; (of tree) Spitze, die; Wipfel, der

    a cake with a cherry on topein Kuchen mit einer Kirsche [oben]drauf

    at the top of the building/hill/pile/stairs — oben im Gebäude/[oben] auf dem Hügel/[oben] auf dem Stapel/oben an der Treppe

    be at/get to or reach the top [of the ladder or tree] — (fig.) auf der obersten Sprosse [der Leiter] stehen/die oberste Sprosse [der Leiter] erreichen (fig.)

    be/get on top of a situation/subject — eine Situation/eine Materie im Griff haben/in den Griff bekommen

    don't let it get on top of you(fig.) lass dich davon nicht unterkriegen! (ugs.)

    he put it on [the] top of the pile — er legte es [oben] auf den Stapel

    on top of one another or each other — aufeinander

    on top of something(fig.): (in addition) zusätzlich zu etwas

    come/be on top of something — (be additional) zu etwas [hinzu]kommen

    on top of the world(fig.) überglücklich

    be/go thin on top — licht auf dem Kopf sein/werden

    be on top — ganz oben sein/liegen

    come out on top(be successful) Erfolg haben; (win) gewinnen

    get to the top(fig.) eine Spitzenposition erringen; ganz nach oben kommen (ugs.)

    be over the topübertrieben od. überzogen sein

    2) (highest rank) Spitze, die

    the man at the top — der [oberste] Chef od. (ugs.) Boss

    top of the table (Sport) Tabellenspitze, die

    [at the] top of the agenda is... — ganz oben auf der Tagesordnung steht...

    be [at the] top of the class — der/die Klassenbeste sein

    top of the bill (Theatre) Zugpferd, das

    3) (of vegetable) Kraut, das
    4) (upper surface) Oberfläche, die; (of cupboard, wardrobe, chest) Oberseite, die

    on [the] top of something — [oben] auf etwas (position): (Dat./direction: Akk.)

    they climbed to the top of the hill/slope — sie kletterten auf den Hügel/den Hang hinauf

    5) (folding roof) Verdeck, das
    6) (upper deck of bus, boat) Oberdeck, das
    7) (cap of pen) [Verschluss]kappe, die
    8) (cream on milk) Sahne, die; Rahm, der (regional, bes. südd., österr., schweiz.)
    9) (upper part of page) oberer Teil

    at the top [of the page] — oben [auf der/die Seite]

    10) (upper garment) Oberteil, das
    11) (turn-down of sock) Umschlag, der
    12) (head end) Kopf, der; (of street) oberes Ende
    13) (utmost) Gipfel, der

    shout/talk at the top of one's voice — aus vollem Halse schreien/so laut wie möglich sprechen


    be the tops(coll.) (the best) der/die/das Größte sein (ugs.); (marvellous) spitze sein (ugs.)

    15) (surface) Oberfläche, die
    16) (lid) Deckel, der; (of bottle, glass, jar, etc.) Stöpsel, der
    17) (Brit. Motor Veh.)
    2. adjective
    oberst...; höchst... [Ton, Preis]

    the/a top award — die höchste/eine hohe Auszeichnung

    the/a top chess player — der beste Schachspieler/einer der besten Schachspieler od. ein Spitzenschachspieler

    top scientists/actors — etc. hochkarätige Wissenschaftler/Schauspieler usw.

    top sportsman/job/politician — Spitzensportler, der/Spitzenposition, die/Spitzenpolitiker, der

    the top pupil/school/marks — der beste Schüler/die beste Schule/die besten Noten

    top manager/management — Topmanager/-management

    a top speed of 100 m.p.h. — eine Spitzen- od. Höchstgeschwindigkeit von 100 Meilen pro Stunde

    go at top speedmit Spitzen- od. Höchstgeschwindigkeit fahren

    be/come top [in a subject] — [in einem Fach] der/die Beste sein/werden

    give something top priorityeiner Sache (Dat.) höchste Priorität einräumen

    in the top left/right corner — in der linken/rechten oberen Ecke

    the top people(in society) die Spitzen der Gesellschaft; (in a particular field) die besten Leute

    3. transitive verb,
    - pp-
    1) (cover)

    the hills were topped with or by snow — die Hügelspitzen waren schneebedeckt

    2) (Hort.): (cut top off) stutzen [Pflanze]; kappen [Baum]
    3) (be taller than) überragen
    4) (surpass, excel) übertreffen

    exports have topped [the] £40 million [mark/level] — die Exporte haben die [Grenze von] 40 Millionen Pfund überschritten

    to top it all — [noch] obendrein

    5) (head) anführen

    top the bill (Theatre) das Zugpferd sein

    Phrasal Verbs:
    - academic.ru/75633/top_off">top off
    II noun
    (toy) Kreisel, der
    * * *
    I 1. [top] noun
    1) (the highest part of anything: the top of the hill; the top of her head; The book is on the top shelf.) die Spitze
    2) (the position of the cleverest in a class etc: He's at the top of the class.) die Spitze
    3) (the upper surface: the table-top.) die Oberfläche
    4) (a lid: I've lost the top to this jar; a bottle-top.) der Deckel
    5) (a (woman's) garment for the upper half of the body; a blouse, sweater etc: I bought a new skirt and top.) das Sonnentop
    2. adjective
    (having gained the most marks, points etc, eg in a school class: He's top (of the class) again.) der/die/das erste
    3. verb
    1) (to cover on the top: She topped the cake with cream.) bedecken
    2) (to rise above; to surpass: Our exports have topped $100,000.) übersteigen
    3) (to remove the top of.) kappen
    - topless
    - topping
    - top hat
    - top-heavy
    - top-secret
    - at the top of one's voice
    - be/feel on top of the world
    - from top to bottom
    - the top of the ladder/tree
    - top up
    II [top] noun
    (a kind of toy that spins.) der Kreisel
    * * *
    [tɒp, AM tɑ:p]
    1. (toy) Kreisel m
    2. ( dated fam)
    to sleep like a \top schlafen wie ein Murmeltier
    [tɒp, AM tɑ:p]
    I. n
    1. (highest part) oberes Ende, Spitze f; of a mountain [Berg]gipfel m; of a tree [Baum]krone f, Wipfel m
    she waited for me at the \top of the stairs sie wartete oben am Ende der Treppe auf mich
    from \top to bottom von oben bis unten
    to get on \top of sth etw in den Griff bekommen
    2. (upper surface) Oberfläche f
    \top of a desk [or table] Tischplatte f
    there was a pile of books on \top of the table auf dem Tisch lag ein Stoß Bücher
    put the letter on \top of that pile of books leg den Brief auf diesen Stoß Bücher
    3. no pl (highest rank) Spitze f
    to be at the \top of the class Klassenbeste(r) f(m) sein
    to be at the \top an der Spitze sein
    to go to the \top an die Spitze kommen
    the \tops pl ( dated) die Besten
    4. FASHION Top nt
    5. (head end) of a bed, table Kopfende nt
    to live at the \top of a street am Ende der Straße wohnen
    6. BOT oberer Teil einer Pflanze
    \tops pl [Rüben]kraut nt kein pl
    7. (lid) Deckel m
    bottle \top Flaschenverschluss m
    screw-on \top Schraubverschluss m
    on \top of that... obendrein...
    we missed the train, and on \top of that we had to... wir verpassten den Zug, und als wäre das noch nicht genug gewesen, mussten wir auch noch...
    the Big T\top das Großzelt
    to feel on \top of the world Bäume ausreißen können fam
    to go over the \top überreagieren
    off the \top of one's head ( fam) aus dem Stegreif
    to be off one's \top BRIT ( pej fam) kindisch sein meist pej
    over the \top ( fam) zu viel des Guten
    from \top to toe von Kopf bis Fuß
    at the \top of one's voice aus vollem Halse
    she shouted his name at the \top of her voice sie rief, so laut sie konnte, seinen Namen
    II. adj
    1. attr, inv (highest) oberste(r, s)
    \top floor oberstes Stockwerk, SCHWEIZ, ÖSTERR meist oberster Stock
    \top layer oberste Schicht
    the \top rung of the ladder ( fig) die Spitze der Karriereleiter
    2. (best) beste(r, s)
    sb's \top choice jds erste Wahl
    \top university Eliteuniversität f
    3. (most successful) Spitzen-
    \top athlete Spitzensportler(in) m(f)
    4. (maximum) höchste(r, s)
    \top speed Höchstgeschwindigkeit f
    III. adv BRIT
    to come \top [of the class] Klassenbeste(r) f(m) sein
    IV. vt
    <- pp->
    to \top sth etw anführen
    to \top the bill der Star des Abends sein
    to \top a list obenan auf einer Liste stehen
    to \top sth with sth etw mit etw dat überziehen
    to \top a cake with cream einen Kuchen mit Sahne garnieren
    to \top sth etw übertreffen
    they've offered me £1,000 — I'm afraid we can't \top that sie haben mir 1.000 Pfund geboten — das können wir leider nicht überbieten
    4. esp BRIT (sl: kill)
    to \top sb/oneself jdn/sich umbringen
    5. esp BRIT (remove top and bottom of)
    to \top and tail food Nahrungsmittel putzen [o SCHWEIZ rüsten]
    * * *
    I [tɒp]
    1. n
    1) (= highest part) oberer Teil; (of spire, pyramid, cone etc, fig, of league, company etc) Spitze f; (of mountain) Gipfel m; (of tree) Krone f, Spitze f; (of pine tree) Wipfel m, Spitze f; (of branch) oberes Ende; (of wave) Kamm m; (of carrots, radishes) Ende nt; (= leafy part) Kraut nt; (= detachable part of cupboard etc) Aufsatz m; (= head end of table, bed, sheet) Kopfende nt, oberes Ende; (of road, beach) oberes Ende

    which is the top?wo ist oben?

    the top of the tree/page/list/wall etc is... — der Baum/die Seite/Liste/Wand etc ist oben...

    at the top of the page/list — oben auf der Seite/Liste

    at the top of the league/pile — oben in der Tabelle/im Stapel

    at the top of the stairs/wall/hill/tree — oben an der Treppe/Wand/am Berg/Baum

    at the top of the table/road — am oberen Ende des Tisches/der Straße

    to be (at the) top of the classKlassenbeste(r) or -erste(r) sein, der/die Beste in der Klasse sein

    he's near the top in English —

    he looked over the top of his spectacles —

    to scream at the top of one's voiceaus vollem Hals or aus Leibeskräften brüllen

    they were talking at the top(s) of their voices — sie haben sich in voller Lautstärke unterhalten

    go to the top of the class (inf)du bist gar nicht so dumm!

    off the top of my head (fig) — grob gesagt; (with figures) über den Daumen gepeilt

    just a quick comment please, off the top of your head to talk off the top of one's head (inf) — bitte einen kurzen Kommentar, ganz spontan nur so daherreden

    that's a bit over the top — das ist ein bisschen übertrieben, das geht ein bisschen zu weit

    I find him a bit over the top —

    the top of the morning to you! (Ir)grüß Gott! (S__nbsp;Ger, Aus), (schönen) guten Morgen!

    2) (= upper surface) Oberfläche f; (COMPUT) Vordergrund m

    to be on top — oben sein or liegen; (fig) obenauf sein

    it was on top of/on the top of the cupboard/pile etc — es war auf/oben auf dem Schrank/Stapel etc

    put it on top of/the top of the cupboard etc — leg es oben auf den Schrank etc

    then, on top of all that... — und dann, um das Maß vollzumachen...

    and, on top of that... — und zusätzlich..., und außerdem...

    he felt he was on top of the situation — er hatte das Gefühl, die Situation im Griff or unter Kontrolle zu haben

    to come out on top — sich durchsetzen; (over rival) die Oberhand gewinnen

    3) (inf of body) Oberkörper m
    4) (= working surface) Arbeitsfläche f
    5) (= bikini top) Oberteil nt; (= blouse) Top nt
    6) (= lid of jar, suitcase) Deckel m; (of bottle) Verschluss m; (of pen) Hülle f; (of car) Dach nt
    7) (AUT: top gear) höchster Gang

    in top — im vierten/fünften, im höchsten Gang

    8) (inf: big top) Großzelt nt, Zirkuszelt nt

    to be (the) topsklasse sein (inf), spitze sein (inf)

    10) (NAUT) Mars m
    2. adj
    (= upper) obere(r, s); (= highest) oberste(r, s); branches, note, honours, price höchste(r, s); (= best) Spitzen-, Top-; pupil, school, marks beste(r, s)

    the top end of the market —

    the car has a top speed of 120das Auto hat eine Höchstgeschwindigkeit von 120

    the top men in the party/government/firm —

    the top people (in a company) — die Leute an der Spitze; (in society) die oberen zehntausend

    3. adv

    tops (inf) — höchstens, maximal

    4. vt
    1) (= cover, cap) bedecken

    (= reach top of) just as the car/he topped the hill — gerade, als das Auto/er oben auf dem Berg angekommen war or den Gipfel des Berges erreicht hatte


    (= be at top of) his name topped the list — sein Name stand ganz oben auf der Liste or an der Spitze der Liste

    4) (= be higher than fig = surpass) übersteigen

    and to top it all... (inf) — und um das Maß vollzumachen...


    to top a tree/radish/carrot — die Spitze eines Baumes/das Ende eines Rettichs/einer Mohrrübe abschneiden

    Kreisel m
    * * *
    top1 [tɒp; US tɑp]
    A s
    1. ober(st)es Ende, Oberteil n, höchster Punkt, besonders
    a) Spitze f, Gipfel m (eines Berges)
    b) Kuppe f (eines Hügels)
    c) Krone f, Wipfel m (eines Baumes)
    d) Dach(spitze) n(f), (Haus)Giebel m
    e) Kopf(ende) m(n) (eines Tisches, einer Buchseite etc)
    f) (Deich-, Mauer)Krone f
    g) Oberfläche f (des Wassers etc):
    the top of the world das Dach der Welt;
    at the top obenan;
    at the top of oben an (dat);
    at the top of the street oben in der Straße;
    at the top of page 10, page 10 at the top (auf) Seite 10 oben;
    at the top of the table SPORT an der Tabellenspitze;
    off the top of one’s head auf Anhieb, so ohne Weiteres;
    on top oben(auf a. fig);
    a) oben auf (dat), über (dat),
    b) umg direkt vor (dat);
    on top of each other auf- oder übereinander;
    on (the) top of it obendrein;
    get on top of sth fig einer Sache Herr werden;
    be over the top fig übertrieben sein;
    a) MIL zum Sturmangriff (aus dem Schützengraben) antreten,
    b) fig zu weit gehen, zu viel des Guten tun; volcano
    2. fig Spitze f, erste oder höchste oder oberste Stelle, Spitzenposition f:
    the top of the class der Klassenprimus;
    top of the line WIRTSCH Branchenführer(in);
    a) in höchster Stellung, an oberster Stelle,
    b) auf dem Gipfel des Erfolgs;
    come out on top als Sieger oder Bester hervorgehen;
    come ( oder make it) to the top an die Spitze kommen, sich durchsetzen;
    be on top of sth einer Sache gewachsen sein
    3. a) höchster Grad
    b) höchster Punkt, Höchststand m:
    at the top of one’s speed mit höchster Geschwindigkeit;
    at the top of one’s voice ( oder lungs) aus vollem Halse, lauthals;
    the top of the tide der Höchststand der Flut
    4. fig Gipfel m, (das) Äußerste oder Höchste:
    the top of his ambition sein höchster Ehrgeiz;
    the top of all creation die Krone der Schöpfung; tops A
    5. umg
    a) Auslese f, Creme f umg (der Gesellschaft)
    b) pl (die) großen Tiere pl umg
    6. Kopf m, Scheitel m:
    from top to bottom vom Scheitel bis zur Sohle;
    from top to toe von Kopf bis Fuß; blow1 C 7 b
    7. (Schachtel-, Topf- etc) Deckel m
    8. AUTO etc Verdeck n
    9. (Bett)Himmel m
    10. (Möbel)Aufsatz m
    11. Oberteil n (eines Pyjamas, Badeanzugs etc)
    12. a) (Schuh)Oberleder n
    b) Stulpe f (an Stiefeln, Handschuhen etc)
    13. SCHIFF Mars m/f
    14. BOT
    a) oberer Teil ( einer Pflanze; Ggs Wurzel)
    b) auch pl (Rüben- etc)Kraut n
    15. CHEM Spitzenfraktion f
    16. Blume f (des Bieres)
    17. AUTO top gear
    18. MIL sl top sergeant
    B adj
    1. oberst(er, e, es):
    top line Kopf-, Titelzeile f;
    the top rung fig die höchste Stellung, die oberste Stelle
    2. höchst(er, e, es):
    a) mit Höchstgeschwindigkeit,
    b) in Windeseile;
    top earner Spitzenverdiener(in);
    top efficiency TECH Spitzenleistung f;
    top manager Top-, Spitzenmanager m;
    top prices Höchst-, Spitzenpreise;
    top quality Spitzenqualität f; brass A 6, management 2
    3. (der, die, das) Erste:
    win the top hono(u)rs in a competition den ersten Preis in einem Wettbewerb gewinnen
    4. Haupt…:
    5. umg erstklassig, best(er, e, es):
    be in top form ( oder shape) in Höchst- oder Topform sein
    C v/t
    1. (oben) bedecken ( with mit)
    2. überragen
    3. mit einer Spitze, einem Oberteil, einem Deckel etc versehen
    4. an der Spitze der Klasse, einer Liste etc stehen: bill2 A 8
    5. die Spitze oder den Gipfel eines Berges etc erreichen
    6. (zahlenmäßig etc) übersteigen:
    top one million die Millionengrenze übersteigen
    7. jemanden an Größe oder Gewicht übertreffen:
    he tops me by two inches er ist (um) zwei Zoll größer als ich;
    he tops five feet er ist etwas über fünf Fuß groß
    8. überragen, -treffen, schlagen; ein Angebot, eine Bestleistung etc toppen, überbieten:
    be topped den Kürzeren ziehen;
    to top it all (Redew) als Krönung des Ganzen; pej um das Maß vollzumachen
    9. Pflanzen beschneiden, stutzen, köpfen, kappen
    10. ein Hindernis nehmen (Pferd etc)
    11. CHEM die flüchtigen Bestandteile herausdestillieren
    12. top-dress 2
    13. AGR, ZOOL Tiere hochzüchten
    14. eine Farbe überfärben, -decken ( beide:
    with mit)
    top2 [tɒp; US tɑp] s Kreisel m (Spielzeug): sleep A 1
    * * *
    I 1. noun
    1) (highest part) Spitze, die; (of table) Platte, die; (of bench seat) Sitzfläche, die; (top floor) oberstes Stockwerk; (flat roof, roof garden) Dach, das; (rim of glass, bottle, etc.) Rand, der; (top end) oberes Ende; (of tree) Spitze, die; Wipfel, der

    a cake with a cherry on top — ein Kuchen mit einer Kirsche [oben]drauf

    at the top of the building/hill/pile/stairs — oben im Gebäude/[oben] auf dem Hügel/[oben] auf dem Stapel/oben an der Treppe

    be at/get to or reach the top [of the ladder or tree] — (fig.) auf der obersten Sprosse [der Leiter] stehen/die oberste Sprosse [der Leiter] erreichen (fig.)

    be/get on top of a situation/subject — eine Situation/eine Materie im Griff haben/in den Griff bekommen

    don't let it get on top of you(fig.) lass dich davon nicht unterkriegen! (ugs.)

    he put it on [the] top of the pile — er legte es [oben] auf den Stapel

    on top of one another or each other — aufeinander

    on top of something(fig.): (in addition) zusätzlich zu etwas

    come/be on top of something — (be additional) zu etwas [hinzu]kommen

    on top of the world(fig.) überglücklich

    be/go thin on top — licht auf dem Kopf sein/werden

    be on top — ganz oben sein/liegen

    come out on top (be successful) Erfolg haben; (win) gewinnen

    get to the top(fig.) eine Spitzenposition erringen; ganz nach oben kommen (ugs.)

    be over the topübertrieben od. überzogen sein

    2) (highest rank) Spitze, die

    the man at the top — der [oberste] Chef od. (ugs.) Boss

    top of the table (Sport) Tabellenspitze, die

    [at the] top of the agenda is... — ganz oben auf der Tagesordnung steht...

    be [at the] top of the class — der/die Klassenbeste sein

    top of the bill (Theatre) Zugpferd, das

    3) (of vegetable) Kraut, das
    4) (upper surface) Oberfläche, die; (of cupboard, wardrobe, chest) Oberseite, die

    on [the] top of something — [oben] auf etwas (position): (Dat./direction: Akk.)

    they climbed to the top of the hill/slope — sie kletterten auf den Hügel/den Hang hinauf

    5) (folding roof) Verdeck, das
    6) (upper deck of bus, boat) Oberdeck, das
    7) (cap of pen) [Verschluss]kappe, die
    8) (cream on milk) Sahne, die; Rahm, der (regional, bes. südd., österr., schweiz.)
    9) (upper part of page) oberer Teil

    at the top [of the page] — oben [auf der/die Seite]

    10) (upper garment) Oberteil, das
    11) (turn-down of sock) Umschlag, der
    12) (head end) Kopf, der; (of street) oberes Ende
    13) (utmost) Gipfel, der

    shout/talk at the top of one's voice — aus vollem Halse schreien/so laut wie möglich sprechen


    be the tops(coll.) (the best) der/die/das Größte sein (ugs.); (marvellous) spitze sein (ugs.)

    15) (surface) Oberfläche, die
    16) (lid) Deckel, der; (of bottle, glass, jar, etc.) Stöpsel, der
    17) (Brit. Motor Veh.)
    2. adjective
    oberst...; höchst... [Ton, Preis]

    the/a top award — die höchste/eine hohe Auszeichnung

    the/a top chess player — der beste Schachspieler/einer der besten Schachspieler od. ein Spitzenschachspieler

    top scientists/actors — etc. hochkarätige Wissenschaftler/Schauspieler usw.

    top sportsman/job/politician — Spitzensportler, der/Spitzenposition, die/Spitzenpolitiker, der

    the top pupil/school/marks — der beste Schüler/die beste Schule/die besten Noten

    top manager/management — Topmanager/-management

    a top speed of 100 m.p.h. — eine Spitzen- od. Höchstgeschwindigkeit von 100 Meilen pro Stunde

    go at top speedmit Spitzen- od. Höchstgeschwindigkeit fahren

    be/come top [in a subject] — [in einem Fach] der/die Beste sein/werden

    give something top priorityeiner Sache (Dat.) höchste Priorität einräumen

    in the top left/right corner — in der linken/rechten oberen Ecke

    the top people (in society) die Spitzen der Gesellschaft; (in a particular field) die besten Leute

    3. transitive verb,
    - pp-

    the hills were topped with or by snow — die Hügelspitzen waren schneebedeckt

    2) (Hort.): (cut top off) stutzen [Pflanze]; kappen [Baum]
    3) (be taller than) überragen
    4) (surpass, excel) übertreffen

    exports have topped [the] £40 million [mark/level] — die Exporte haben die [Grenze von] 40 Millionen Pfund überschritten

    to top it all — [noch] obendrein

    5) (head) anführen

    top the bill (Theatre) das Zugpferd sein

    Phrasal Verbs:
    II noun
    (toy) Kreisel, der
    * * *
    maximal erreichen ausdr.
    übersteigen v. adj.
    oben adj. n.
    Anfang -ë m.
    Gipfel - m.
    Kopfende -n n.
    Kreisel - m.
    Oberteil -e n.
    Spitze -n f.

    English-german dictionary > top

  • 18 فاز

    فَازَ \ get (or have) the best of sth: to be most successful in (a struggle, etc.): When we quarrel, she always gets the best of it.. succeed: to do what one has planned to do: My efforts succeeded. I succeeded in my attempt. She succeeded in writing her book. \ فَازَ \ win: won to be successful (in a fight, game or competition). capture: to catch or seize: make a prisoner of: The police have captured the thief. \ See Also ظَفَرَ بِـ، أَلْقَى القَبْض عَلى \ فَازَ بنصيب الأسد \ get (or have) the best of sth: to be most successful in (a struggle, etc.): When we quarrel, she always gets the best of it.

    Arabic-English dictionary > فاز

  • 19 Roe, Sir Edwin Alliott Verdon

    SUBJECT AREA: Aerospace
    b. 26 April 1877 Manchester, England
    d. 4 January 1958 London, England
    English designer of one of the most successful biplanes of all time, the Avro 504.
    A.V.Roe served an apprenticeship at a railway works, studied marine engineering at Kings College London, served at sea as an engineer, and then took a job in the motor-car industry. His hobby was flying: after studying bird-flight, he built several flying models and in 1907 one of these won a prize offered by the Daily Mail. With the prize money he built a full-size aeroplane loosely based on the Flyer of the Wright brothers, with whom he had corresponded. In September, Roe took his biplane to the motorracing circuit at Brooklands, in Surrey, but it made only a few hops and his activities were not welcomed. Roe then moved to Essex, where he assembled his new aeroplane under the arch of a railway bridge. This was a triplane design with the engine at the front (a "tractor"), and during 1909 it made several flights (this triplane is preserved by the Science Museum in London).
    In 1910 Roe and his brother Humphrey founded A.V.Roe \& Co. in Manchester, they described it the "Aviator's Storehouse". During the next three years Roe designed and built aeroplanes in Manchester, then transported them to Brooklands to fly (the authorities now made him more welcome). One of the most significant of these was his Type D tractor biplane of 1911, which led to the Avro 504 two-seater trainer of 1913. This was one of the most successful trainers of all time, as around 10,000 were built. In November 1914 a flight of Avro 504s carried out the first-ever bombing raid when they attacked German airship sheds as Friedrichshafen. A.V.Roe produced the first aeroplanes with enclosed cabins during 1912: the Type F monoplane and Type G biplane. After the war, his Avian was used for several record-breaking flights. In 1928 he sold his interest in the company bearing his name and joined forces with Saunders Ltd of Cowes, on the Isle of Wight, to found Saunders-Roe Ltd. "Saro" produced a series of flying boats, from the four-seat Cutty Sark of 1929 to the large, and ill-fated, Princess of 1952.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Knighted 1929 (in 1933 he incorporated his mother's name to become Sir Alliott VerdonRoe). Honorary Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society 1948.
    Further Reading
    L.J.Ludovic, 1956, the Challenging Sky.
    A.J.Jackson, 1908, Avro Aircraft since 1908, London (a detailed account).

    Biographical history of technology > Roe, Sir Edwin Alliott Verdon

  • 20 star turn

    (the most successful or spectacular performance or item (in a show etc): The acrobats were the star turn of the evening.) hovednummer
    * * *
    (the most successful or spectacular performance or item (in a show etc): The acrobats were the star turn of the evening.) hovednummer

    English-Danish dictionary > star turn

См. также в других словарях:

  • most — [ moust ] function word, quantifier *** Most is the superlative form of much and many and can be used in the following ways: as an adverb (before an adjective or another adverb): a most interesting lecture the question that is asked most often.… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Most Requested Hits — Greatest hits album by Aaron Carter Released November 4, 2003 …   Wikipedia

  • Successful aircraft types — Many measures of successful aircraft type are possible, including fitness to task, safety record, outstanding performance in any of several dimensions, longevity in service, or numbers produced. Many worthy aircraft designs, through one… …   Wikipedia

  • successful — suc|cess|ful [ sək sesfəl ] adjective *** achieving the result that you want: The successful candidates will be given extensive training. very/highly/extremely successful: a highly successful peacekeeping operation successful in (doing) something …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • successful */*/*/ — UK [səkˈsesf(ə)l] / US [səkˈsesfəl] adjective achieving the result that you want The successful candidates will be given extensive training. very/highly/extremely successful: a highly successful peacekeeping operation successful in (doing)… …   English dictionary

  • most */*/*/ — UK [məʊst] / US [moʊst] adverb, determiner, pronoun Summary: Most is the superlative form of much and many and can be used in the following ways: as an adverb (before an adjective or another adverb): a most interesting lecture ♦ the question that …   English dictionary

  • most*/*/*/ — [məʊst] grammar word summary: Most is the superlative form of much and many. It can be: ■ an adverb: Love is what these children need most. ♦ Angie looks like her father the most. ■ a determiner: Most shops will be closed over Christmas. ♦ Which… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • Most, Mickie — ▪ 2004 Michael Peter Hayes        British record producer (b. June 20, 1938, Aldershot, Hampshire, Eng. d. May 30, 2003, London, Eng.), discovered and then molded the sound of some of the most successful young pop singers of the 1960s and 70s,… …   Universalium

  • Most of All — Single by Jody Watley from the album Jody Watley Released 1988 …   Wikipedia

  • Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria — This article is about Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria. For rival contest, see Miss Nigeria . MBGN 2008 Adaeze Igwe performing at Miss World Talent The Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria (MBGN) pageant originally began as Miss Universe Nigeria in 1983 …   Wikipedia

  • most — 1 adverb (+ adj/adv) 1 used for forming the superlative of most adjectives and adverbs with more than two syllables, and many that only have two: the most boring book I ve ever read | She s one of the most experienced teachers in the district. |… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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